Who We Are


"Love God. Love People. Make Disciples."


We want to help one another Love God through attending the worship gathering and having daily personal devotions.


We want to help one another Love People through serving our church and community.


We want to help one another Make Disciples through sharing our faith and being involved in a group.

Our Values

Because we believe that God primarily reveals himself and teaches us through His word we desire to share and know God’s word, the Bible, and help others do the same.

We preach the bible as the authoritative and sufficient word of God.

Because we believe that we are dependent on God for our lives and spiritual growth, we value prayer.

We desire to center our lives on the good news of the person and work of Jesus Christ and know how this truth changes our hearts, motives, and lives.

We are relational beings created by God to know others and be known. The New Testament describes the church as a people, not a building, so we desire to center our lives on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and allow him to form us into a community.

Because we believe that the Gospel is the world’s only hope in life and death, we desire to live our daily lives as those sent by God to help others trust and follow Jesus.

Meet Our Pastor

Baptist Missionary Association

Freestone Baptist is associated with the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas and the Baptist Missionary Association of America.