Mission Statement: At Freestone Baptist Church, we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and Christ-centered environment for all children who participate in our ministries. This Child Protection Policy reflects our dedication to protecting children from harm, ensuring their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and honoring our responsibility to God for ministering to and caring for children.  

  • Protect children (ages 0-17) involved in Freestone Baptist Church activities from abuse, neglect, or harm.
  • Provide clear guidelines for staff, volunteers, and members interacting with children.   
  • Protect Freestone Baptist Church and its volunteers from false allegations or liability through proactive measures. 
  • Child: Any individual under the age of 18.  
  • Adult: Any individual that is 18 years of age or older.  
  • Abuse: Physical, emotional, sexual abuse, or neglect as defined by state law.  
  • Volunteer: Any staff member (paid or unpaid) or volunteer serving in a role involving children.  
  • Screened Volunteer: A volunteer who has completed Freestone Baptist Church’s screening and training process. 

Policy Guidelines  

1. Screening of Volunteers
All individuals (staff or volunteers) working with children at Freestone Baptist Church must:  
  • Be a member or regular attendee of Freestone Baptist Church for at least six (6) months prior to serving, unless approved by the pastor.
  • Undergo a criminal background check (renewed every 3 years).  
  • Participate in an interview with the Pastor or designated church leader.
  • Attend child protection training provided by Freestone Baptist Church.
2. Two-Adult Rule
  • At least two screened, unrelated adults must be present at all times during any church activity involving children.
  • No volunteer shall be alone with a child out of sight of another adult, except in emergency situations.  
3. Age Requirements
  • Volunteers must be at least 18 years old to supervise children independently.  
  • Youth helpers (ages 12-17) may assist but must always be supervised by two screened adults.  
4. Check-In/Check-Out Procedures
  • Parents or guardians must check children in and out of activities using a designated sign-in sheet or system.  
  • Only a parent, legal guardian, or pre-authorized individual may pick up a child.  
  • Children will not be released to anyone without proper identification and authorization.  
5. Restroom Guidelines
  • For children under 6, a screened volunteer or parent must accompany them to the restroom.  
  • For older children, volunteers should ensure the restroom is clear of risks but respect privacy, avoiding one-on-one situations unless necessary for safety.  
6. Discipline Policy
  • Discipline should be positive, age-appropriate, and never involve physical punishment.   
  • Volunteers should redirect behavior or, if needed, involve parents for persistent issues.   
  • Any form of verbal abuse, shaming, or intimidation is strictly prohibited.  
7. Reporting Suspected Abuse
  • Any volunteer or member who suspects abuse (whether observed at church or elsewhere) must immediately report it to the Pastor.   
  • Freestone Baptist Church will follow mandatory reporting laws, notifying local authorities as required.   
  • A written incident report must be completed and kept confidentially on file.  
8. Response to Allegations  
  • Any allegation of abuse by a volunteer will result in their immediate suspension from duties pending investigation.  
  • Freestone Baptist Church will cooperate fully with law enforcement and child protective services.  
  • Pastoral care will be offered to all affected parties, maintaining confidentiality and sensitivity.  
9. Training  
  • All volunteers must complete initial child protection training and annual refreshers.  
10. Physical Safety  
  • Freestone Baptist Church facilities will be regularly inspected for hazards (e.g., unlocked closets, unsafe equipment).  
  • First aid kits and emergency contact information will be accessible at all events.  
  • Refer to Safety & Security Guidelines for information on emergency procedures.  
11. Social Media and Photography  
  • Photos or videos of children may only be taken with parental consent and used solely for Freestone Baptist Church purposes (including but not limited to bulletins, slideshows, church publications, social media, etc…)  
  • No child’s full name or personal information will be shared publicly without consent. 
Implementation and Oversight
  • Child Protection Coordinator: The pastor will oversee policy implementation, training, and record-keeping.  
  • Annual Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the pastor and family ministry team to ensure effectiveness and compliance with laws.  
  • Distribution: All volunteers will receive a copy of this policy upon involvement with children’s ministries. 

By serving in any capacity involving children at Freestone Baptist Church, volunteers agree to abide by this policy. Failure to comply may result in removal from duties and, if applicable, legal action.